Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Subwoofer Reflection

On this project, I used a picture of a JL Audio subwoofer and made a copy of it so that when I flip it upside down and drag the gradient over it, it looks like a reflection of the image. I also added text below the subwoofer to make it look more official.

Adding Transparent Type

For this project, I took a picture of the inside of a home and then added text. I did not add regular text though. I lowered the opacity on it so it looked transparent and also made it vertical. Then, there was more text I added.

Lightning Effect

The purpose of this project was to make lightning and use it in an appropiate way. So I made the lightning first and then imported a picture of a city. I then made a news logo. The whole thing was going to be a storm crew advtertisement and it looked like it at the end.

Blending Two Images

I used a picture of a soccer playing looking away and then a picture of three soccer players coming for the ball. I then blended the two images by using a fading eraser and going over the main photo so then the second photo shows up. It looked like an actual DVD cover.

Using iPhone as the Background and Focal Point

For this photo, I took a picture of an iPhone and free transformed it to make it fit the whole background good and then lowered the opacity to make it darker. And then I put the original copy in the bottom right hand corner and I also added text. It look official when I get done. This project is very similar to the watch one. 

Snowmobile Fade-Away Reflection

I took a picture of an Arctic Cat snowmobile and then made a copy of it. After I made the copy, I used to free transform to flip the picture. I then used the gradient and drug it over the flipped copy to make it look like its reflection. It looked really good at the end I think.

Shadow of Seth Rogen

This project was the same as the one with Gabrielle Iglesias but this one is with Seth Rogen. I made the copy of him still and used the free transform to make it look like his real shadow. This photo was a little trickier because he had a monster thing standing next to him.